Thank you for this article, I'd be curious of your thoughts on Levelized Full System Costs of Electricity https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0360544222018035

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I wrote on another substack: your source article contains a chart showing that solar electricity is now very cheap. The claim is nonsense. As I type this, it is 11:00 pm in the Eastern time zone. No solar electricity is being produced anywhere in continental North America. The price of solar electricity right now is not $68/MWHr it is 1÷0 -- undefined, i.e. +/- infinity. Run a factory, you can't run my house.

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It is remarkably frustrating to continuously hear this misinformation and have the mainstream media lap it up like a thirsty animal. fortunately, there are a number of folks who publish here on substack about the reality of physics and its impact on electricity prices, so if anyone cares, they can find out reality (assuming they don't pay for their own electricity, whereby they already know reality)

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